Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thought #2: Eggs make wonderful children.

I know, I know I haven't written in...forever and I'm sorry. Now on to what I want to talk about! You see I have health class this semester and we are learning about pregnancy and child care. Further more our teacher decided to give us eggs to take care of...........NOT. FUN! you see I am sorta, kinda, maybe a klutz, and well lets just say that giving me an egg to take care of is not a good idea. Oh and did I say that if we crack it we have to writ an essay on a genetic disease.....yep, guess who broke theirs 8th period on the day we got them? Yes, well all that aside my egg is a little boy who I named Kaneen Scott ...uh yeah I'm not saying my last name sorry. He is my little crack baby now (this is a joke, I don't do crack). This all happened yesterday by the way.

Today however, nothing of grate importance has happened as of yet. Although I would like to rant about how much writing I have to do. See I am going to do nanowrimo this November. I am both excited and utterly horrified to do this because I also have to writ my 10 page senior paper......blah! I don't mind writing, in fact I rather enjoy it, its just I don't enjoy writing facts, I'm more of a "make-it-up-as-you-go" kind of person. On the bright side my paper is on anime so that should be good. Speaking of nano I have to come up with an outline for it, I have all the characters and the idea its just the plot that's missing....this could be bad, but the make it up as you go sorta thing may come in handy.

On a finale note I shall say: my brain has turned to mush.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thought #1: nothing to do but eat candy corn.

I'm going to try this out, mostly because two of my friends are doing it.....I have no idea what I'm doing but, hey, I normally don't.So lets give this a try, here we go...

Today is a dreary Friday and I don't have school. right now I'm waiting for saw v and Coraline to download off of crimewire (as my friends say) because I'm in a halloweeny sorta mood. Being October that is no surprise.

To be honest I have no idea what to do with myself today....and my sister will not let me have the TV down stairs, she has one in her room that she refuses to use, then again so do I, but the difference is that mine is a small old travel TV with a VCR attached emphasis on "small" while hers is a 22 inch flat screen with over 500 channels...... I ask my dad for a laptop and he buys my sister a TV....I have come to the conclusion that my life sucks. Ok, thats enough of my sister (I don't need you thinking I'm depressed).

Back to the subject of October, I was disappointed this morning because I was hoping for a marathon of some sort of halloweenish shows or movies, but nothing was on. This is why I'm downloading those movies. Witch are finished so I'm going to go watch them and the few I have in my room while eating candy corn.

All hail October!!!!